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At the OCF we have fully migrated all services from Mesos/Marathon to Kubernetes. In this document we will explain the design of our Kubernetes cluster while also touching briefly on relevant core concepts. This page is not a HOWTO for deploying services or troubleshooting a bad cluster. Rather, it is meant to explain architectural considerations such that current work can be built upon. Although, reading this document will help you both deploy services in the OCF Kubernetes cluster and debug issues when they arise.


Kubernetes is a container orchestration system open sourced by Google. Its main purpose is to schedule services to run on a cluster of computers while abstracting away the existence of the cluster from the services. The design of Kubernetes is loosely based on Google's internal orchestration system Borg. Kubernetes is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which is a part of the Linux Foundation. Kubernetes can flexibly handle replication, impose resource limits, and recover quickly from failures.

Kubernetes Cluster

A Kubernetes cluster consists of "master" nodes and "worker" nodes. In short, master nodes share state to manage the cluster and schedule jobs to run on workers. It is considered best practice to run an odd number of masters, and currently our cluster has three masters.


Kubernetes masters share state via etcd, a distributed key-value store (KVS) implementing the Raft protocol. The three main goals of Raft are:

  1. Leader elections in case of failure.
  2. Log replication across all masters.
  3. Ensuring log integrity across all masters.

One master is elected as a leader of the cluster. The leader has the ability to commit writes to the KVS. etcd then reliably replicates this state across every master, so that if the leader fails, another master can be elected and no state will be lost in the process. Do note that the state stored in etcd is scheduling state, service locations, and other cluster metadata; it does not keep state for the services running on the cluster.

Why the odd number of masters?

Consider a cluster of N members. When masters form quorum to agree on cluster state, quorum must have at leastN/2⌋+1 members. Every new odd number in a cluster with M > 1 masters adds one more node of fault tolerance. Therefore, adding an extra node to an odd numbered cluster gives us nothing. If interested read more here.


Workers are the brawn in the Kubernetes cluster. While master nodes are constantly sharing data, managing the control plane (routing inside the Kubernetes cluster), and scheduling services, workers primarily run pods. kubelet is the service that executes pods as dictated by the control plane, performs health checks, and recovers from pod failures should they occur. Workers also run an instance of kube-proxy, which forwards control plane traffic to the correct kubelet.


In the Kubernetes world, pods are the smallest computing unit. A pod is made up of one or more containers. The difference between a pod and a standalone container is best illustrated by an example. Consider ocfweb; it is composed of several containers—the web container, static container, and worker container. In Kubernetes, together these three containers form one pod, and it is pods that can be scaled up or down. A failure in any of these containers indicates a failure in the entire pod. An astute reader might wonder: if pods can be broken down into containers, how can pods possibly be the smallest unit? Do note that if one wished to deploy a singleton container, it would still need to be wrapped in the pod abstraction for Kubernetes to do anything with it.

While pods are essential for understanding Kubernetes, when writing services we don't actually deal in pods but one further abstraction, deployments, which create pods for us.

OCF Kubernetes Cluster Bootstrapping

Since almost all OCF architecture is bootstapped using Puppet, it was necessary for us to do the same with Kubernetes. We rely on the puppetlabs-kubernetes module to handle initial bootstrapping and bolt OCF specific configurations on top of it. puppetlabs-kubernetes performs two crucial tasks:

  1. Installs etcd, kubelet, kube-proxy, and kube-dns, initializes the cluster, and applies a networking backend.
  2. Generates the required PKI for Kubernetes and etcd.

Do note that puppetlabs-kubernetes is still very much a work in progress. If you notice an issue in the module you are encouraged to write a patch and send it upstream.

Kubernetes PKI

All the private keys and certs for the PKI are in the puppet private share, in /opt/puppet/shares/private/kubernetes. We won't go into detail of everything contained there, but Kubernetes and etcd communication is authenticated using client certificates. All the necessary items for workers are included in os/Debian.yaml, although adding a new master to the cluster requires a manual re-run of kubetool to generate new etcd server and etcd peer certs.

OCF Kubernetes Configuration

Currently, the OCF has three Kubernetes masters: (1) deadlock, (2) coup, and (3) autocrat. A Container Networking Interface (cni) is the last piece required for a working cluster. The cni's purpose is to faciltate intra-pod communication. puppetlabs-kubernetes supports two choices: weave and flannel. Both solutions work out-the-box, and we've had success with flannel thus far so we've stuck with it.

Getting traffic into the cluster

One of the challenges with running Kubernetes on bare-metal is getting traffic into the cluster. Kubernetes is commonly deployed on AWS, GCP, or Azure, so Kubernetes has native support for ingress on these providers. Since we are on bare-metal, we designed our own scheme for ingressing traffic.

The figure below demonstrates a request made for For the purpose of simplicity, we assume deadlock is the current keepalived master, and that nginx will send this request to Worker1.

| Kubernetes Cluster |
nginx | |
---------- | Ingress Ocfweb Pod |
|autocrat| | Host: Templates --------- --------- |
---------- | ---------> |Worker1| - |Worker1| |
| / --------- \ --------- |
| / | |
nginx | / Ingress | Templates Pod |
------------------- ✘ SSL / / --------- | --------- |
REQ --> | deadlock: | ---> - |Worker2| ---> |Worker2| |
|keepalived master| \ --------- --------- |
------------------- | |
| |
nginx | Ingress Grafana Pod |
---------- | --------- --------- |
| coup | | |Worker3| |Worker3| |
---------- | --------- --------- |

All three Kubernetes masters are running an instance of Nginx. Furthermore, the masters are all running keepalived. The traffic for any Kubernetes HTTP service will go through the current keepalived master, which holds the virtual IP for all Kubernetes services. The keepalived master is randomly chosen but will move hosts in the case of failure. nginx will terminate ssl and pass the request on to a worker running Ingress Nginx. Right now ingress is running as a NodePort service on all workers (Note: we can easily change this to be a subset of workers if our cluster scales such that this is no longer feasible). The ingress worker will inspect the Host header and forward the request on to the appropriate pod where the request is finally processed. Do note that the target pod is not necessarily on the same worker that routed the traffic.

Why didn't we use MetalLB?

MetalLB was created so a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster could use Type: LoadBalancer in Service definitions. The problem is, in L2 mode, it takes a pool of IPs and puts your service on a random IP in that pool. How one makes DNS work in this configuration is completely unspecified. We would need to dynamically update our DNS, which sounds like a myriad of outages waiting to happen. L3 mode would require the OCF dedicating a router to Kubernetes.

Why don't we copy Marathon and specify one port per service?

In our previous Marathon configuration, we gave each service a port on the load balancer and traffic coming into that port is routed accordingly. First, in Kubernetes we would emulate this behavior using NodePort services, and all Kubernetes documentation discourages this. Second, it's ugly. Every time we add a new service we need to modify the load balancer configuration in Puppet. With our Kubernetes configuration we can add unlimited HTTP services without touching Puppet.

But wait! The Kubernetes documentation says not to use NodePort services in production, and you just said that above too! True, but we only run one NodePort service, ingress-nginx, to keep us from needing other NodePort services. SoundCloud, a music streaming company that runs massive bare-metal Kubernetes clusters, also has an interesting blog post about running NodePort in production.